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Set 2 Love the podcast is hosted by Shelley Garite, Eva Payne, and Tann Moore. These three friends are all mothers, entrepreneurs, truth seekers, and love teachers. Each week they come together to bring you ideas, strategies, and hope towards increased self-awareness, love and optimism. Their goal is to have 51% of the world, living in 51% joy, each day. They wholeheartedly believe the answer is always found in LOVE and when we Live Open; Value Everything, life is lived fully. Each week the women cover subjects aimed at discovering more fully how to live in flow. Show topics include: identity, shame, love, coping skills, addiction, happiness, self care, parenting, relationships, and the like. Each episode, is personal and real as the ladies dive into wholehearted conversations around their stories of motherhood, being business owners, life and its challenges. They strive to always see the good and find joy in even the most difficult of circumstances.

You will receive many ideas from three various perspectives and perceptions in each show, but always SET 2 LOVE. Take what works, and ditch the rest!

We are SET 2 LOVE!

Apr 30, 2021

How do we let flow lead our lives so that we can be in more ease with what has been, what is, and what is to come? Join us on Flow Friday's SET 2 LOVE Podcast! #Surrender #Flow #LiveFully


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Apr 25, 2021

Today, we are sharing tips to cultivating more gratitude in your life. Living in flow happens more easily when gratitude is the dominate emotions. This can be a challenge when we are facing hard or difficult times. When we are in crisis cultivating gratitude can be a challenge, but it is key to creating a life in...

Apr 22, 2021

Being a Mom doesn't come with a handbook, but sometimes it comes with lots of advice from others. We do not need to pick up what others put down. We can take what works and leave the rest, AND not feel bad about it!

#Motherhood #Parenting #Podcast


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Apr 20, 2021

What if aliens were real & what if aliens had the ability to make the choice whether to save us or not? What if, you were asked to make the closing argument for why they should save humanity? What would you say?

#Aliens #SaveHumanity #Podcast


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Apr 20, 2021

How do you move away from a job or career that is draining the life out of you? That is what we are chatting about today on SET 2 Love.

#job #career #NewJob

Eva's Book, "The Flow Life Funnel" is now available on AMAZON in paperback, ebook and audio book: Looking for a FLOW COACH? Reach...